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ProCall Enterprise integration in Microsoft Teams

Clever integration – undisturbed communication

Online meetings, texts or audio/video chats, and "classic" phone calls – a wide range of options make communication among colleagues and customers immensely easier. The hybrid workplace demands flexible solutions to enable uncomplicated communication.

We bring teams together

The integration of ProCall Enterprise in Microsoft Teams enables a mutual alignment of presence and call status. For example, if a call is received via ProCall Enterprise during a meeting in Microsoft Teams, it is declined - depending on the settings. On the other hand, a call in ProCall Enterprise also influences the presence status and the activity in Microsoft Teams.

This is based on ProCall Enterprise's presence management, which won the German Innovation Award.

Functions in detail

Regardless of the product used, you can see whether your colleague is "in a meeting", "on a call" or "absent". For example, if you are currently on a call via ProCall Enterprise, your presence status is automatically synchronized in Microsoft Teams.

ProCall Enterprise
ProCall Enterprise My area

My area
Are you on a Microsoft Teams call? Are you in a ProCall Meetings video conference? Communicate without being disturbed: It's not just the two-way presence synchronization that ensures this. You can also use "Do not Disturb", "Busy on Busy" or "Call protection". And it's easy to switch to your Microsoft Teams client with just one click on "T" key.

ProCall Enterprise Contact card

Contact card
Is your colleague on the phone, chatting via video or in an online meeting? Regardless of whether they are communicating via Microsoft Teams or ProCall Enterprise, you can always reach them! And with just one click on the "T" key you can start a Microsoft Teams chat.

Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams Client

Teams client
Are you currently in your Microsoft Teams client? Here, too, you can see whether a colleague is currently in a real-time communication with ProCall Enterprise, i.e. a telephone call, an audio/video chat or a ProCall Meetings video conference.




Here you can find information material about ProCall Enterprise and presence matching with Microsoft Teams.


Information on ProCall Enterprise



For any further questions I am at your disposal
Matteo Bellotto

Matteo Bellotto

Sales Manager

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