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ixi-UMS Business

Unified messaging in a simple complete package

The unified messaging server ixi-UMS Business integrates fax, voice and SMS services into system environments such as Microsoft Exchange or HCL Domino. ixi-UMS Business is specifically targeted for companies with up to 100 employees and will win you over with its easy implementation and handling.


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New in Version 7

For users

  • Greater clarity: Messages, individual user settings and the configuration of the answering machine are now available to users under one interface. The new ixi-UMS Business portal includes the web journal, user settings and the web-based voice mailbox configuration. Opening a web page or clicking on the custom tab in the ProCall client is all that is needed to access the portal. Single sign-on is supported.
  • Better overview: Users can now mark their read messages in the ixi-UMS web journal as unread and their unread messages as read. They can also hide messages. This gives them a better overview of their inbox.
  • Automatic printing: Incoming faxes can now be forwarded to up to five numbers based on rules. A network printer is assigned to each destination number. Incoming faxes are checked against the recipient's number and are forwarded to the stored printer(s) according to the configured rule and printed out automatically.
    For example: All faxes sent to a number range assigned to the sales department are automatically printed out to their printer.
  • Easy addressing and more security: There is now an address book for the SMTP client. The user can easily select the e-mail recipient address. If required, the latest TLS encryption protocol is supported.


  • SMS text control: If the user sends an SMS, the text that was actually sent is now included in the dispatch report.
    The background: A maximum number of characters applies to short messages. If the user writes an SMS that exceeds this number of characters, ixi-UMS Business splits it and sends it in several – a maximum of 3 – messages. If the SMS is even longer, it is cut off. In order for the user to know which text was actually sent, it is included in the dispatch report.

For administrators

  • Shorter installation times: The revised design of the admin web interface makes the intuitive setup even clearer and more user-friendly.
  • Drop down menu for the cover page: The administrator selects the folder name in which the fax cover sheet is stored directly in the user management. This is then entered for the respective user. Previously, the name of the folder had to be entered manually.
  • Quick function tests: The administrator can have a fax, voice or SMS message generated directly from the queue. The transmission result including further information – for example about possible transmission problems – is displayed in the ixi-UMS kernel journal.

Simple complete package for small and medium-sized companies

ixi-UMS Business Unified messaging Software - e-mail screenshot


In addition to the existing e-mail function, the features fax, voice and SMS are setup and managed via a single integrated server-based platform. The mobile access is managed on this platform, the messages are retrieved directly here and are always on the current status.

With unified messaging, the workstation PC becomes a universal terminal for the user.



ixi-UMS Business Unified messaging in a simple complete package

This allows users to manage all types of messages  within one single interface – directly from their workstation or from PC, tablet or mobile device. Sending and receiving fax, voice and short messages takes place in your usual messaging client, such as Microsoft Outlook or HCL Notes.

ixi-UMS Business integrates the additional functions into proven messaging system architectures such as Microsoft Exchange Server or HCL Domino via an SMTP connector. This keeps the installation and training costs low.

Features of ixi-UMS Business

Fax (send and receive)

Fax (send and receive)

ixi-UMS Fax

ixi-UMS, the powerful unified messaging server from estos supports the fax service (for fax group 3). This allows you to send and to receive faxes directly client/server-based from the workstation.

Your personal answering machine

Your personal answering machine

ixi-UMS Voice

ixi-UMS can be used as an answering machine directly at the workplace, using individual announcements and listen to incoming voice messages directly at the workplace or from mobile phones.

Send short messages by SMS

Send short messages by SMS


ixi-UMS supports the SMS (Short Messaging Service) service. This allows you to send short messages client/server based directly from the workstation.

Mobile management and retrieval of UMS messages

Mobile management and retrieval of UMS messages

Mobile with ixi-UMS

Unified messages can be retrieved via ixi-UMS on PC, phone, tablet or smartphone. Access to the e-mail mailbox also allows access to the ixi-UMS messages automatically.

No computer hardware

No computer hardware

Easy, slim, economical and inexpensive

You do not need powerful computer hardware because the ixi UMS unified messaging server uses the existing architecture with Message Transfer Agent, databases, and e-mail clients. Benefit from low follow-up and training costs.

Integration in ProCall Enterprise

ixi-UMS Business: Integration ProCall Enterprise screenshot

The ixi-UMS unified messaging server now integrates into the ProCall Enterprise solution: Users can send faxes directly from their client or monitor. The unified messaging server ixi-UMS handles the technical processing. If the user decides to "Send Fax", an e-mail window with fax addressing opens automatically: Now the user can write text or attach files or both. The user receives the dispatch report in his inbox.

More about ProCall Enterprise

Let me advise you!
Matteo Bellotto

Matteo Bellotto

Sales Manager

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